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Yoga - Physical Poses

Disclaimer: Although I am a Certified Personal Trainer equipped to teach yoga, I am not an expert in the art of yoga nor do I know the intricate workings of the different types of yoga. I am a counselor and trainer who uses yoga to help myself and my clients to cope with all four pillars of wellness.

This article with includes a comprehensive list of most of the common yoga poses including their name in Sanskrit, the benefits that come from the specific pose, and the contraindications or the reasons you may need to avoid the pose. There is no explanation of exactly how to get into the pose, but there is a picture. This information is for reference only and should not be used as a replacement for formal yoga instruction or personal training. If you have medical conditions, please talk to your doctor before taking up new physical activities!

The yoga poses discussed will be listed by category including:

  • Standing

  • Seated

  • Supine and Prone

  • Inverted

  • Twists and Backbends

  • Balance & Strength

  • Hip Openers

These categories are not exclusive, there are many poses that are listed in one category, but would also fit in multiple other categories.

Standing Postures

Mountain Pose – Tadasana

Tree Pose – Vrksasana

Upward Salute – urdhva hastasana

o Good for – fatigue, asthma, indigestion

o NOT for – shoulder/neck injury

Extended hand-to-big-toe – Utthita Hasta Padangustasana

o Good for – balance

o NOT for – ankle/back injuries

Triangle –Trikonasana

o Good for – organs, digestion, backache, pregnancy, neck pain, sciatica, anxiety

o NOT for – diarrhea, headache, HBP, LBP, neck probs, heart conditions

o Extended -Utthita Trikonasana

o Revolved - Parivrtta Trikonasana

o Reverse – Viparita Trikosana

Extended Side Angle – utthita parvasakona

o Good for – constipation, low backache, sciatica, osteoporosis, menstruation

o NOT for – headache, BP, insomnia

o Revolved - Parivrtta Parsvakonasana

Gate Pose – Parighasana

o Good for – open shoulders

o NOT for – knee injuries

Half Moon – Utthita Tirkonasana

o Good for – anxiety, backache, osteoporosis, sciatica, fatigue, constipation, gas, indigestion

o NOT for – headache, LBP, diarrhea, insomnia, neck injuries

Garland Pose – Malasana

o NOT for – low back injuries

Warrior Pose – Virabhadrasana 1

o Good for – strength, stretching

o NOT for – HBP, heart problems, shoulder problems, neck issues

Warrior II – Virabhadrasana II

o Good for – strength, stamina, backache, carpal tunnel, flat feet, sciatica

o NOT for – diarrhea, HBP, neck issues

Warrior III - Virabhadrasana III

High Lunge – Ashta Chandrasana

o Good for – sciatica, constipation

o NOT for – knee/neck injuries

Low Lunge – Anjaneyasana

o Good for – sciatica

o NOT for – heart problems

Intense Side Stretch – Parsvottanasana

o Good for – flat feet

o NOT for – back injury, HBP

Forward Bend – Uttanasana

o Good for – racing thoughts, stress, depression, liver/kidneys, digestion, fatigue, anxiety, headaches, sinusitis, HBP, asthma

Chair Pose – utkatasana

o Good for – flat feet

o NOT for – headache, insomnia, LBP

Eagle Pose – Garudasana

o Good for – asthma, low backache

o NOT for – knee injuries

Dancers pose - Natarajasana

o Good for – balance, strength, grace

Standing Split - Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana

o Good for – brain, liver/kidneys

o NOT for – back/ankle/knee injuries

Seated Poses

Stick/Staff – Dandasana

o Good for – posture

o NOT for – back problems

Easy Pose – Sukhasana

o Good for – racing thoughts, stretching

o NOT for – knee problems

Lotus – Padmasana

o Good for – brain, pelvis, spine, menstruation, sciatica

o NOT for – ankle/knee injuries

Boat Pose - Navasana

o Good for – stress, digestion, hormones

o NOT for – asthma, diarrhea, headache, LBP, heart probs, insomnia, menstruation, pregnancy, neck injury

Head to Knee Pose – Janu Sirasana

o Good for – brain, depression, digestion, menopause, anxiety, headache, menstruation, HBP, insomnia, sinusitis

o NOT for – asthma, diarrhea, knee injury

Revolved Head-to-Knee – Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana

o Good for – back pain, anxiety, fatigue, headache, insomnia

o NOT for - diarrhea

Seated Forward Bend – Paschimottansana

o Good for – brain, liver, kidneys, uterus, digestion, menopause, menstruation, headaches, anxiety, fatigue, HBP, insomnia, sinusitis, obesity

o NOT for – knee injury, low back pain, asthma, diarrhea

Wide-Angle Forward bend – Upavistha Konasana

o Good for – spine, brain, groin

o NOT for – low back injury

Bharadvaja’s Twist – Bharadvajasana I

o Good for – back/neck pain, stress, digestion, pregnancy, carpal tunnel

o NOT for – diarrhea, headache, HBP, insomnia, LBP, menstruation

Bound Angle Pose - Baddha Konasana

o Good for – circulation, depression, anxiety, menopause, fatigue

o NOT for – groin injury

Cow Face – Gomukhasana

o Good for stretching

o NOT for – neck/shoulder injuries

Half Lord of Fishes – Ardha Matsyendrasana

o Good for – posture, body awareness, digestion, constipation, core strength, gas, bloating

o NOT for – injuries, arthritis, herniations, SI pain

Heron pose – Krounchasana

o Good for – gas, flat feet

o NOT for – knee/ankle issues, PMS

Marichi’s Pose – Marichyasana III

o Good for – constipation, digestion, asthma, fatigue, low back pain, sciatica, menstruation

o NOT for – BP, Migraines, Diarrhea, Headache, Insomnia

o Intermediate Marichi – Marichyasana II

o Advanced Marichi – Marichyasana I

Monkey – Hanumanasana

o Good for – sciatica

o NOT for – groin/hamstring injury

Half Monkey Pose

Supine and Prone Postures

Hero Pose – Virasana

o Good for – digestion, gas, menopause, swelling, HBP, asthma

o NOT for – heart problems, headache, knee or ankle injury

Hero Reclining

Cobra – Bhujanga

o Good for – asthma, stress, sciatica

o NOT for – headaches, back injury, carpal tunnel, pregnancy

Locust - Salabhasana

o Good for – fatigue, gas, constipation, indigestion, low back pain, stress

o NOT for – headaches, back/neck injury

Bow – Dhanurasana

o Good for – posture, stretching

o NOT for – insomnia, back/neck injury, BP issues

Fish Pose - Matsyasana

o Good for – constipation, respiratory ailments, back ache, fatigue, menstruation, anxiety

o NOT for – BP issues, migraine, insomnia, severe low back/neck injuries

Inverted Poses

Downward Dog – adho mukha svanasana

o Good for – brain, stress, depression, energy, menopause, menstruation, osteoporosis prevention, digestion, sinusitis, insomnia, back pain, asthma, sciatica

o NOT for – HBP, pregnancy (late), carpal tunnel, diarrhea

Dolphin Pose – Catur Svanasana

o Good for – brain, stress, depression, menopause, menstruation, osteoporosis prevention, digestion, insomnia, back pain, fatigue, HBP, asthma, flat feet, sciatica

o NOT for – shoulder/neck injuries

Feathered Peacock – pincha mayurasana

o Good for – balance, brain, stress

o NOT for – injuries, headache, HBP, menstruation, heart condition

Handstand – Adho Mukha Vrksasana

o Good for – balance, brain, stress

o NOT for – heart conditions, headache, HBP, menstruation, injuries

Peacock – Mayurasana

o Good for strength

o NOT for elbow/wrist injuries

Headstand – Sirsasana

o Good for – energy, thought

o NOT for – back injury, headache, BP, menstruation, neck injury, pregnancy

Shoulder stand – Salamba Sarvangasana

o Good for – calm, stress, thyroid, digestion, menopause, fatigue, insomnia, asthma, sinusitis

o NOT for – diarrhea, headache, HBP, menstruation, neck injury

The Plough – Halasana

o Good for – calm, menopause, stress, fatigue, backache, headache, insomnia

o NOT for – diarrhea, menstruation, neck injury, asthma, HBP, pregnancy

Bridge – Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

o Good for – calm, stress, depression, digestion, menopause, menstruation, anxiety, fatigue, back/headaches, insomnia, asthma, HBP, sinusitis

o NOT for – neck injuries

Legs Up Wall Pose – Viparita Karani

o Good for – anxiety, arthritis, digestion, headache, BP, insomnia, migraine, depression, respiratory issues, urinary disorder, varicose veins, menstruation

Twists and Backbends

Camel – Ustrasana

o Good for – posture, stretch

o NOT for – migraine, insomnia, injury, BP

Cat Pose – Marjaryasana

o Good for – stretch/breathe

o NOT for – injuries

Cow Pose – Bitilasana

o Good for – back stretch

o NOT for – neck injury

Noose – Pasasana

o Good for – asthma, digestion, gas, menstruation, sciatica

o NOT for – knee problems, herniation

Half Frog Pose – Ardha Bhekasana

o Good for – posture, strength

o NOT for – BP, migraine, insomnia, injury

Frog Pose - Bhekasana

King Pigeon pose – Kapotasana

o Good for – posture, stretch

o NOT for – BP, migraine, insomnia, injury

One Leg King Pigeon – Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

o Good for – chest open

o NOT for – sacroiliac, knee, hip, or ankle injuries

Sphinx Pose – Bhujangasana

o Good for – stress

o NOT for – headache, back injury

Upward Bow – Urdhva Dhanurasana

o Good for – asthma, back pain, infertility, depression, energy, hormones

o NOT for – injury, diarrhea, headache, BP

Upward Two-Foot staff – Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana

o NOT for injuries

Upward Dog – Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

o Good for – posture, depression, fatigue, sciatica, asthma

o NOT for – injury, headache, pregnancy

Wild Thing – Camatkarasana

o Good for – fatigue, depression, open chest and hips

o NOT for – injuries (shoulder/wrist)

Balance and Strength

Dolphin Plank – Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana

o Good for – calm, osteoporosis

o NOT for – injuries (neck/shoulder)

Eight-Angle Pose – Astavakrasana

o GOOD for – strength

o NOT for – shoulder/elbow/wrist injury

Firefly Pose – Tittibhasana

o Good for – balance/strength

o NOT for – shoulder/elbow/wrist injury

Four-Limbed Staff – Chaturanga Dandasana

o Good for – strength

o NOT for – carpal tunnel, pregnancy

Dedicated to Sage Koundinya – Eka Pada Koundinyanasana I

o Good for – strength, core

o NOT for – wrist/arm injury

o Dedicated to Sage Koundinya II

Scale Pose – Tolasana

o Good for – strength

o NOT for – injuries, tight hips/thighs

Shoulder-pressing pose – Bhujapidasana

o Good for – strength, core. Balance

o NOT for – injuries

Side Crane (Crow) – Parsva Bakasana

o Good for – strength, core, balance

o NOT for – injuries

Side Plank – Vasisthasana

o Good for – strength, balance

o NOT for – injuries

Upward Plank – Purvottanasana

o Good for – strength

o NOT for – injuries

Wide-Leg Forward Bend – Parasarita Padottanasana

o Good for – Headache, fatigue, depression, core, calm, back

o NOT for – low back problems

Hip Openers

Bound Angle Pose – Baddha Konasana

o Good for – kidneys, ovaries, bladder, kidneys, prostate, circulation, depression, fatigue, anxiety, sciatica, menopause, HBP, asthma, flat feet, pregnancy

o NOT for – groin or knee injury

o Reclining Bound Angle – Supta Baddha Konasana

Child’s Pose – balasana

o Good for – calm, stress, fatigue, back/neck pain, stretch

o NOT for – diarrhea, knee injury

Cow Face Pose – Gomukhasana

o Good for - Stretch

o NOT for – neck/shoulder probs

Fire Log Pose – Agnistambhasana

o Good for – stretch

o NOT for – low back/knee injury

Thanks for reading! I hope this helps with understanding the poses involved in yoga and what benefits they include along with which ones you should avoid based on your body. Questions and comments are always welcome!


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